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svētdien, 22 decembris, 2024

Meganu Mārklu nosauc par resnu lēdiju! (+VIDEO)


15. janvārī Megana viesojās dzivnieku labdarības centrā, šoreiz Saseksas hercogiene bija izvēlējusies pieguļošu kleitu, kuru starp citu var iegādāties H&M veikalos! Megana ir sestajā grūtniecības mēnesī, tādēļ nu jau diezgan uzkrītošas ir viņas grūtniecības aprises.

Hercogiene sasveicinājās ar labdarības centra atbildīgajiem un darbiniekiem, bet dzīvnieku terapeite sasveicinoties ar Meganu pateica ko patiesi šokējošu: “Brīniškīgā dāma, lai dievs tevi svētī!” un norādot uz Meganas vēderu viņa turpināja, “un tu esi resna lēdija”. Megana un pārējie par šo situāciju tikai pasmējās, tomēr jāatzīst, ka kas šāds sagaidot kādu karaliskās ģimenes pārstāvi pārāk bieži nenotiek.

Ko tu domā par šo situāciju? Vai tev šis joks šķiet pieņemams?



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Today The Duchess of Sussex made her first visit to @TheMayhew since becoming Patron – Mayhew is a grassroots charity working in a unique way to improve the lives of animals and people to better communities both in London and internationally. Mayhew looks for innovative ways to reduce the number of animals in need through pro-active community and educational initiatives and preventative veterinary care. Among the people she met was Wully, a formerly homeless pet refuge service user, and his two dogs Azzy and Gallis – The Duchess found out about the different ways Mayhew’s animal welfare officers have supported Wully and his pets over the past 11 years. Her Royal Highness also met Roobarb the dog, who is part of Mayhew’s dog therapy programme TheraPaws, which puts smiles on the faces of vulnerable individuals. The Duchess met volunteers who dedicate their time to Mayhew community programmes, including the trap, neuter and return programme, which controls and cares for the feral cat communities in London. And Her Royal Highness was also able to meet the team behind Mayhew’s international work, which includes an overseas vet training programme in countries like India and Afghanistan to help improve animal welfare.

A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on

Autors: Dieviete.lv



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