3.9 C
otrdien, 11 marts, 2025

Megana Mārkla pārsteigusi Āfrikas studentes (+FOTO)


Megana Mārkla bijusi spiesta savu vīru, princi Hariju atlaist uz Malāviju vienu pašu, jo viņai vajadzēs palikt ar dēliņu Ārčiju.

Malāvijā princis Harijs apciemojis Nalikules koledžu, tur viņš tikās ar mācību iestādes pedagogiem, kā arī ar pašām studentēm. Studentes ļoti gaidīja šo tikšanos un viņu sarunas tēmats ar Hariju bijis sieviešu izglītība, kas ir tik svarīga joma ikvienā valstī un kas vairākās Āfrikas koledžās tiek finansēta pat ar Lielbritānijas līdzekļiem! Interesanti, ka karaliene Elizabetes II pasmējusies par to, ka mazdēls noteikti nav tiks aktuāls viesis, kā Megana Mārkla. “Es zinu, ka ir kāds cilvēks, kuru jūs vēl labprātāk gribētu šeit redzēt manā vietā. Taču viņa nevarēja šurp atbraukt, taču pateicoties mūsdienu tehnoloģijām jūs tāpat varēsiet viņu satikt,” – sacīja princis.

Tad uz liela TV ekrāna parādījās Megana Mārkla, kura veica video zvanu ar  izmantojot Skype, šī bija viņas vienīgā iespēja aprunāties ar koledžas studentēm. Ieraugot Meganu ekrānā meitenes nekavējoties cēlās kājās un nodziedāja viņai veltītu, sagatavotu dziesmu. Pašlaiks princis Harijs un Megana jau ir apmeklējuši vairākas Āfrikas pilsētas, viņiem bijušas daudzas tikšanās. Pavisam nesen arī Megana tikās ar sievietēm, kas nodarbojas ar uzņēmējdarbību, šajā tikšanās reizē mazo Ārčiju pieskatījusi auklīte, kura arī devusies līdzi karaliskajam pārim šajā oficiālajā Āfrikas vizītē, bet šoreiz Megana nevarēja doties līdzi Harijam.


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A quick recap of The Duke’s visit to Malawi, where yesterday he got to see the scale of the work that goes on to protect wildlife and the natural environment, this morning visit a health centre providing community care. The Duke started the day yesterday by paying tribute to Guardsman Matthew Talbot who sadly passed away whilst conducting joint counter-poaching operations in with local park rangers. The Duke then joined a live demonstration of how the British Army, the government of Malawi, local rangers and @AfricanParksNetwork work on a day-to-day basis; conducting a live tracking scenario and the interception of poachers within the National Park. Finally, The Duke was able to unveil a plaque to welcome the Park as the latest member of the Queens Commonwealth Canopy (@queenscanopy). And this morning, The Duke visited the Mauwa Health Centre which is bring life-saving and essential care to this remote community. By making even basic medical supplies available, used and stored correctly in remote areas like this is life-saving. The work done by organisations around Africa to protect the natural environment is invaluable and The Duke passionately believes we need to recognise and support the local communities dedicating their lives, sometimes risking their lives, to protect the world’s most incredible animals and habitats. #RoyalVisitMalawi Video ©️ SussexRoyal

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Following our tradition of rotating the accounts we follow on a monthly basis, for the month of October we are celebrating “community.” • Over the last week on their official tour to Southern Africa, The Duke and Duchess have had a poignant reminder of the importance of community – the sense of support and togetherness that is felt from feeling like you are a part of something that respects difference but also celebrates shared values for the greater good. Please let us know the favourite organisation in your community – one you enjoy volunteering for, or that makes you proud to be a part of – one that supports you personally in your everyday life, and that defines what you feel community is all about. Based on your suggestions we will then choose our new accounts to follow for October. Thanks so much and thanks for being a part of the Sussex community! Photo ©️ High Commission

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Continuing her visit in Johannesburg today, The Duchess of Sussex has visited the charity @actionaid_sa to speak to people working tirelessly to protect young girls in South Africa. The Duchess wanted to use her time here to help her better understand the issue of gender-based violence, and learn more about what was being done to tackle this crisis. @actionaid_sa work with a number of projects specifically helping young women, including the Teddy Bear Clinic, which provides essential support to children and families affected by domestic and sexual abuse, and @sonkegenderjustice, a not-for-profit working across Africa. The Duchess discussed the importance of trying to break a generational cycle and empower young girls, as well as working with boys and young men to raise their awareness so they can be a part of the solution rather than the problem. After the meeting today, The Duchess travelled privately to meet a number of young girls who are being supported by Action Aid and the Teddy Bear Clinic. These girls have come out of situations of abuse and degradation and have found their sense of self, purpose, and confidence in the spirit of sisterhood and community in The Girls Club. The Duchess described them as role models for all. For the privacy and protection of these young women, no photos of this visit will be shared. #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica Photo ©️ SussexRoyal / Getty / PA images

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This morning, The Duchess of Sussex went back to college!  Joining students and educators at The University of Johannesburg The Duchess was able to announce a new series of gender grants from the Association of Commonwealth Universities, of which she is patron. She was also able to announce four new scholarships to help students study in different commonwealth countries, allowing cross cultural understanding and an opportunity to deepen their educational studies abroad. One of the recipients of these grants shared his story of growing up on farmland in Kenya, where he paid for his education trading vegetables to cover schooling costs (cauliflower leaves to be exact!) He is now doing a research study on carcinogens in his country, its link to cancer – his work is helping to change practices and to save lives. The Duchess was so moved by the work being done across the education sector and to talk with such like-minded thinkers about the importance of access to education and the support needed internally. When the round table discussion this morning moved to the challenges faced in this sector and how daunting it can all seem, The Duchess said, “Sometimes access to education can seem so big, you wonder where to even begin? So you begin with one student, or one school, you simply begin. And that’s when we see change.” She continued by referencing a Martin Luther King Jr quote: “Take the first step… you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Since @the_acu_official Gender Grants were launch in 2016, 28 universities in 17 countries have benefited with a minimum of 600 beneficiaries participating in workshops supported by the grants. #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica Photo ©️ PA images

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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