-1.7 C
piektdien, 21 marts, 2025

Keita Midltone tikusi pie gaišām matu šķipsnām (+FOTO)


Pavisam nesen, ierodoties Dabas vēstures muzejā, Kembridžas hercogiene Keita sabiedrību pārsteidza ar savu jauno matu toni. Keita izbalinājusi vairākas matu šķipsnas, tagad viņas mati ir kļuvuši gaišāki un vizuāli izskatās kuplāki. Jāatzīst, ka jaunā matu krāsa atgādina Melānijas Trampas matu toni, kuru viņa nomainīja nu jau pirms pusgada.

Izrādās, ka karaliskā etiķete nepieļauj ģimenes pārstāvjiem krasas imidža izmaiņas, tomēr zināms arī tas, ka pēdējā laikā karaliskajā ģimenē piedzīvoti ne mazums etiķetes pārkāpumi, šis ir viens no gaumīgākajiem! 
“Keita ir izvēlējusies zelta toņus, kas ir lieliski piemēroti rudens sezonai. Šis tonis ir piemērots Keitas ādas tonim, jaunā matu krāsa lieliski akcentē hercogienes vaibstus,” par jauno imidžu izsakās slavenais frizieris Džeimss Džonsons. 


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The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the @Natural_History_Museum, visited the Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity to hear how it is championing and helping to protect UK wildlife. The Angela Marmont Centre (AMC) is a unique scientific hub located in the Natural History Museum, and is dedicated to the study of the UK’s natural world. The AMC helps public visitors identify their finds, provides vital training in wildlife identification, and leads research and citizen science projects that are helping to transform our understanding of over 80,000 species of wildlife ???????????? known to exist in the UK today. With populations of many UK species declining, and a significant proportion threatened with local extinction, the AMC brings together a host of individuals and organisations all dedicated to building understanding of the UK’s wildlife, so that it can be better protected for future generations. AMC staff work with colleagues from across the Natural History Museum to carry out a range of scientific research to study ???? how and why the UK’s wildlife is changing. This ranges from applying ground-breaking scientific techniques, including analysis of environmental DNA through to detecting and identify the miniscule insects and microorganisms that play an important role in healthy environments. At the AMC today The Duchess viewed some of the Museum’s specimens and saw DNA sequencing ???? live in action.

A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on

Autors: Dieviete.lv



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