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piektdien, 20 decembris, 2024

Vai Megana Mārkla ir otrā bērniņa gaidībās? (+VIDEO)


Saseksas hercogiene Megana Mārkla kopā ar princi Hariju, apmeklēja Piemiņas festivālu, kas katru gadu norisinās Lielbritānijā. Megana žilbināja ir ļoti elegantas kleitas izvēli no zīmola “Erdem” ar platu jostu un auskarus ar rubīniem, kuru vērtība ir aptuveni 28 000 eiro, savu apģērbu viņa papildināja ar zīmola “Aquazzura” kurpēm tumši zilā krāsā.

Šis bija pirmais pasākums uz kuru Megana Mārkla devusies pēc viņas un prinča Harija dokumentālās filmas iznākšanas. Filma nepatīkami pārsteidza karalisko ģimeni un satrauca britu karaliskās ģimenes fanus, jo filmā Megana un Harijs ļoti atklāti pauda savas emocijas par preses spiedienu un savu “stresaino” dzīvi. Briti ļoti iemīļojuši prinča Viljama sievu Keitu Midltoni, jo viņa  atšķirībā no Meganas, kuras auskaru vērtība līdzinās labas automašīnas vērtībai, bija izvēlējusies krietni pieticīgus auskarus no veikala “Zara”.

Pēc svinīgā pasākuma medijos parādījās gan foto, gan video un daudzi pauž pārliecību, ka ar Saseksas hercogienes kleita viņai liek izskatīties apaļīgai, iespējams, ka šis ir tikai neveiksmīgs kleitas modelis, bet varbūt Saseksas hercogiene ir otrā bērniņa gaidībās? Daudzi ievērojuši,ka Meganas roku pozīcija arī daudzās fotogrāfijās ir “nodevīga” – viņa tās tur virs vēdera, tas varētu būt diezgan dabisks žests no sievietes grūtniecības sākuma periodā. Jāpiemin, ka šobrīd oficiāla informācija neliecina par Meganas un Harija ģimenes pieaugumu.


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‪This evening The Duke and Duchess of Sussex accompanied Her Majesty The Queen and members of @TheRoyalFamily to the annual @RoyalBritishLegion Festival of Remembrance. This special event, which has taken place every year since 1923 at the @RoyalAlbertHall, commemorates all those who have lost their lives in conflicts.‬ • ‪This year’s Festival marked the 75th anniversary of a number of crucial battles of 1944, with a particular emphasis on the collaboration and friendship of the British, Commonwealth and Allied armies who fought them. A unique tribute was given to acknowledge those involved both past and present, culminating in a special parade of some of the last surviving veterans who fought and served in 1944.‬ • ‪Their Royal Highnesses, who last year attended their first Festival of Remembrance together, were honoured to once again pay tribute to all casualties of war and remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.‬ ‪#FestivalOfRemembrance ‪#WeWillRememberThem‬ Photo © PA / Royal British Legion

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex joined hundreds of veterans and their families at the 91st Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, to honour and remember those who lost their lives in service of their country. Their Royal Highnesses each planted a Cross of Remembrance, paying respect to those who have served in our Armed Forces. They were then honoured to spend time meeting with veterans and family members from all areas of the Armed forces – from those who have served in past campaigns to more recent conflicts. This is the seventh time The Duke has attended the Field of Remembrance – having previously accompanied The Duke of Edinburgh for several years. The Duchess of Sussex was grateful to be able to join her husband on this important day and to personally recognise those who have served. #remembrance #lestweforget

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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