2.2 C
svētdien, 23 marts, 2025

Vai Keita Midltone ir ceturtā bērniņa gaidībās?


Kensingtonas hercogu pāris iespējams ir ceturtā mazuļa gaidībās! Keitas Midltones un prinča Viljama kvēlākie fani uzskata, ka Keita, visdrīzāk, ir ceturtā bērniņa gaidībās un tam par pamatojumu kalpo Keitas frizūra.

Interesanti, ka ikreiz pirms Keita kļūst par mammu, viņa nedaudz maina savu frizūru – iekrāsojot matu galus vai mainot ierasto matu sakārtojumu. Fani uzskata, ka Keita tā rīkojas tāpēc, lai novērstu uzmanību no viņas vēderiņa!  Keita šādi rīkojoties katru reizi pirms ir mazuļa gaidībās. Kāda karaliskai ģimenei pietuvinātā persona atklājusi, ka Kembridžas hercogi pat gaidot dvīņus!  Pagaidām ne Keita Midltone, ne princis Viljams oficiāli nav paziņojuši par savu ģimenes pieaugumu.

Jau nesen rakstījām, ka arī Megana Mārkla vēlas, lai viņas un Harija ģimenē būtu vēl kāda atvasīte. Hercogiene kādā nesenā intervijā teikusi, ka gatavojas dzemdēt Losandželosā, tuvāk savai mammai un tālāk no britu karaliskās ģimenes!

Keitas un prinča Viljama ģimenē šobrīd aug trīs bērni – sešgadīgais princis Džordžs, četrus gadus jaunā princese Šarlote un gadu jaunais princis Luis. 


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Five years ago The Duchess of Cambridge launched @eachhospices’ Nook Appeal, which aimed to raise funds for a purpose-built children’s hospice near Norwich — today The Duchess officially opened The Nook in Framingham Earl! The new hospice contains more areas for clinical care and dedicated therapy rooms, allowing EACH to meet the increased demand for its service and the ever-changing and more complex needs of those it cares for. The Duchess attended the launch of The Nook appeal in November 2014, and visited the charity’s previous Norfolk hospice in Quidenham in January 2017, which served as a home-from-home for over 25 years. Speaking at today’s opening, The Duchess said: “You have created here at The Nook a nurturing, caring environment that allows families who are going through the unimaginable the ability to spend precious quality time with each other, comforted in the knowledge that their children are being looked after in the best possible way. EACH was one of the very first charities that I decided to become Patron of after my marriage. Whilst a lot has changed since then, my commitment and support for this wonderful organisation and the work that you do has not”. East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices cares for children and young people with life-threatening conditions across Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk and supports their families. Their care service includes specialist nursing care, symptom management nursing, short breaks, wellbeing activities, therapies, counselling and volunteer services in the family home; all meeting the individual needs of the child, young person and whole family ???? Kensington Palace

A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on

Autors: Dieviete.lv



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