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trešdien, 18 decembris, 2024

Ko princis Viljams un Keita Midltone dāvinās bērniem Ziemassvētkos?


Keita Midltone un princis Viljams sākuši gatavoties dāvanu pirkšanas drudzim. Kembridžas hercogi jau sagatavojuši dāvanas, ko palikt zem eglītes saviem trim bērniem!

Zināms, ka sešgadīgais princis Džordžs aizraujas ar tenisu un daudziem citiem sporta veidiem,  viņš dāvanā saņems tenisa raketi un galda futbolu, savukārt princis Džordžs, tāpat kā viņa princis Viljams dievina futbolu.

Četrgadīgā princese Šarlote ir īsta ģimenes mīlute, viņu bieži salīdzina ar vecvecmāmiņu, Lielbritānijas karalieni Elizabeti II, un arī viņai, tāpat kā karalienei, ļoti patīk zirgi. Vecāki Šarloti ir iesaukuši par Lotiņu. Nesen Šarlote izteikusi vēlmi pēc ponija, princis Viljams bijis kategoriski pret tādu dāvanu un ponija iegādi vecāki nolēmuši atlikt līdz tam brīdim, kad Šarlote pieaugs. Šajos Ziemassvētkos princesei Šarlotei tiks rotaļu komplekts ar rotaļu zirdziņiem, mājiņām, staļļiem un citiem rotaļu priekšmetiem. Šarlote arī aizrāvusies ar mūziku, tādēļ viņa dāvanā saņems arī bērnu muzikālo karaoke komplektu. Keita arī iegādājusies kādu asprātīgu dāvanu – bērnu virtuves komplektu ar kastroļiem, šķīvjiem, pannām, karotēm un vairākiem citiem virtuves priekšmetiem. Izkatās, ka princim Luisam vēl nav sagādāta svētku dāvana, jo to vecāki izdevumam “Closer” nav atklājuši. 


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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have joined forces with cookery legend Mary Berry to prepare festive food ???? to thank all those working and volunteering over the Christmas period. Swipe ???? for a taster of what to expect from ???? A Berry Royal Christmas… 1. The Duke, Duchess and Mary, along with some very special guests including @nadiyajhussain host a Christmas Party to thank and acknowledge staff and volunteers from charities and organisations who will be working tirelessly over the Christmas period. 2. At @rhswisley Mary joins The Duchess behind the scenes to learn more about The Duchess’s commitment to the early years in raising the next generation of happy, healthy children. 3. The Duke and Mary visit @passagecharity, the UK’s largest resource centre for homeless and insecurely housed people, which has helped over 130,000 people in crisis through its resource centre, homelessness prevention projects and two innovative accommodation services. 4. At The Brink, the UK’s first dry bar set up by @actiononaddiction to provide a safe space for people who are suffering from addiction, The Duchess and Mary meet the inspiring people whose lives have been changed by the help and support of the charity. Watcg #ABerryRoyalChristmas on the @bbciplayer. Photos ???? by @mattporteous / Kensington Palace

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Today, The Duchess of Cambridge became Royal Patron of @Family_Action. Her Majesty The Queen @TheRoyalFamily has passed the patronage to The Duchess having held the role for over 65 years. The Duchess joined children and families supported by Family Action at a Christmas tree farm and helped them to make Christmas decorations, eco-friendly reindeer food, and post their letters to Father Christmas! Her Royal Highness also helped the children find Christmas trees for Family Action pre-schools, before heading back inside for some hot chocolate. Family Action was founded in 1869 to help families in difficulty by giving them practical help and support. The charity works directly with vulnerable or disadvantaged children and families, and provides services including perinatal mental health services, counselling and therapeutic support, and the mentoring of children, young people and adults. The new patronage aligns with The Duchess’s longstanding work on the early years, and the importance of supporting children and families during this seminal period of their lives.

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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