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ceturtdien, 19 decembris, 2024

Grēta Tūnberga ir atzīta par “Time” gada cilvēku (+VIDEO)


Zviedrijas klimata aktīviste Grēta Tūnberga kļuvusi par žurnāla “Time” gada cilvēku, ziņo CNN.

Žurnāla “Time” redakcija par gada cilvēku atzinusi Grētu Tūnbergu, izdevums šo titulu piešķir katru gadu kopš tālā 1927.gada. Prestižais tituls tiek piešķirts cilvēkam vai cilvēku grupai ar “vislielāko ietekmi uz gada notikumiem”, ši ietekme var būt gan pozitīva, gan negatīva.
Šogad uz šo titulu pretendēja arī ASV prezidents Donalds Tramps, kura dēls savā Twitter kontā jau paudis sašutumu par šādu rezultātu, tā vien rodas iespaids, ka viņš Grētu nevar ciest…

2016. gadā par “Time” gada cilvēku kļuva ASV prezidents Donalds Tramps, bet 2007. gadā Krievijas līderis Vladimirs Putins!


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Just over a year ago, a quiet and mostly friendless teenager woke up, put on her blue hoodie, and sat by herself for hours in an act of singular defiance. Fourteen months later, she had become the voice of millions, a symbol of a rising global rebellion. The politics of climate action are as entrenched and complex as the phenomenon itself, and @gretathunberg has no magic solution. But she has succeeded in creating a global attitudinal shift, transforming millions of vague, middle-of-the-night anxieties into a worldwide movement calling for urgent change. @gretathunberg is TIME’s 2019 Person of the Year. Read the cover story by @charlottealter, @suyinsays and @justinworland—and watch the full video—at the link in bio. #TIMEPOY Video by @robson.alexandra, @juliamarielull, @arpane and @maxim_arbugaev for TIME

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Last spring, before she became a global icon, Greta Thunberg enjoyed a semblance of calm and privacy. Now it’s bedlam wherever she goes. On the night train from Lisbon, @gretathunberg hides in the on-board kitchen to escape the lenses of dozens of cameras; when she is finally able to sneak into her cabin, she uses the moment of peace to write in her journal. When her train arrives in Madrid the next morning, the platform is again packed cheek-to-jowl with television cameras and reporters. Before stepping off the train and facing the pack, she wonders out loud how she can navigate the chaos. Even after she makes it inside the @unitednations climate summit, she’s swarmed. Photographers jostle through throngs of teenagers in green face paint chanting “Gre-TA, Gre-TA!” while others erupt in a spirited call-and-response: “What do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!” Read more at the link in bio. #TIMEPOY Photograph by @evgenia_arbugaeva for TIME

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Greta Thunberg speaks quietly but forcefully, articulating the palpable sense of injustice that often seems obvious to the very young: adults, by refusing to act in the face of extraordinary crisis, are being foolish at best, and corrupt at worst. To those who share her fear, @gretathunberg's blunt honesty is cathartic. To those who don’t, it feels threatening. She refuses to use the language of hope; her sharpest weapon is shame. In September, speaking to heads of state ahead of the @unitednations General Assembly, Thunberg pulled no punches: “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth,” she said. “How dare you.” In this photograph, Thunberg writes in her journal on the train as she travels from Lisbon to Madrid for the current U.N. climate conference. Read more at the link in bio. #TIMEPOY Photograph by @evgenia_arbugaeva for TIME

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Donalda Trampa dēla viedoklis par “Time” izdarīto izvēli.

Autors: Dieviete.lv



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