4.5 C
sestdien, 28 decembris, 2024

Megana Mārkla jau sestajā grūtniecības mēnesī! (+FOTO)


Šī mēneša sākumā karaliene Elizabete II Meganai nodeva vienu no karaliskās ģimenes svarīgākajiem darbiem – Londonas Nacionālā teātra patroneses lomu! Neskatoties uz to, ka Megana Mārkla ir sava pirmā bērna gaidībās, viņa mērķtiecīgi iesaistās karalisko pienākumu pildīšanā! 

Londonas Nacionālā Teātra patroneses lomas nodošana tieši  Meganai bijis apzināts un nozīmīgs solis, jo pirms pievienošanās karaliskajai ģimenei, apprecot princi Hariju, Megana Mārkla bija ievērojama Holivudas aktrise.

Šonedēļ Megana plāno apmeklēt arī ceturto organizāciju, kurai kļuvusi par patronesi – Sadraudzības universitāšu asociāciju. Megana tiksies ar studentiem un profesoriem, kas pievienojušies šai organizācijai. Kopā organizācijai pievienojušās 500 universitātes!


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At the @NationalTheatre The Duchess of Sussex meets Blessing, aged 13, who performed in the NT’s first Public Arts production of Pericles in 2018. Blessing is passionate about inspiring others through storytelling — her first NT Public Acts experience allowed her to ‘discover more about what she could do and gain more confidence’. The National Theatre’s Public Arts initiative sees them work with arts and community organisations across the UK to create ambitious new works of participatory theatre. At the NT The Duchess also met current and former apprentices from its apprenticeship and trainee programme, and saw a fantastic performance inspired by War Horse by schoolchildren from Edith Neville Primary School in Camden, which was created to mark the centenary of Armistice Day. As part of their work with Primary Schools, the @NationalTheatre invited primary schools to see their productions of War Horse, and in partnership with @imperialwarmuseums take part in a creative programme to enrich children’s understanding of the First World War.

A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on

Autors: Dieviete.lv



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