5.6 C
trešdien, 1 janvāris, 2025

Hilarija Dafa publicējusi savu dzemdību video (+VIDEO)


Amerikāņu aktrise, kura plašāk kļuva pazīstama, pateicoties galvenajai lomai Disney seriāla”Lizzie McGuire” nesen pasaulē laidusi savu meitiņu, šī bija otrā reize, kad Hilarija kļūst par māmiņu, viņai jau ir dēls no pirmajās attiecībām!

Hilarija esot šaubījusies par šī video publicēšanu, pēc ilgām pārdomām viņa tomēr izlēma dalīties ar tik privāto mirkli, kurā pirmo reizi apsauj savu meitiņu, jāpiemin, ka Hilarija nav izvēlējusies tradicionālas dzemdības, dzemdības norisinājās ūdenī.

Kādas ir tavas domas par ūdens dzemdībām? Vai ar tik privātu mirkli, kā dzemdības būtu jādalās sociālajos tīklos?


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I’ve been wondering for a long time if I would ever share this video as it is extremely personal…. it was so absolutely lovely and rewarding(and shocking) that after giving birth to my baby girl we hugged …for the first time, In my mind I like to believe that she was saying good job mom. Go team go. We did it. Together. Matt provided such a safe calm strength, my mommy and sissy were there to cheer me on, and of course my birth angels to make sure all was well and big brother (downstairs deep in legos). I cannot believe this day was only 5 months ago!! It seems like B has been here with us all along. The time is already going so fast..she tried avocado yesterday! Anyway… feeling blessed for this full hectic life and all the people in it. Happy 5 months Banks (oh and thanks for quitting colic) that was a doozy ( @rebeccacoursey_photosandfilm )

A post shared by Hilary Duff (@hilaryduff) on

Autors: Dieviete.lv



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