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svētdien, 22 decembris, 2024

Vai princis Harijs dosies bērna kopšanas atvaļinājumā?


Zināms, ka prinča Harija un Meganas mazulītis gaidāms pavisam drīz, šobrīd princis nav atcēlis savas oficiālās vizītes un tikšanās.

Megana jau pirms pāris nedēļām pātraukusi savu publisko parādīšanos, kas ir saprotams, jo bērns gaidāms kuru katru brīdi, bet ko pēc bērniņa dzimšanas darīs Harijs? 


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Today marks the 70th anniversary of the modern Commonwealth – a family of 53 countries working together to promote democracy, protect human rights, regenerate the environment, and focus not on what makes us different – but rather what we have in ‘common.’ What unites us versus what divides us. Representing nearly one third of the world’s population, 60% of whom are under the age of 30, the Commonwealth also serves as a champion for youth empowerment, which is a key focus of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Her Majesty The Queen serves as patron of the @queens_commonwealth_trust, which Their Royal Highnesses proudly serve as President and Vice-President of. The Duke is also Commonwealth Youth Ambassador. Through The Duke and Duchess’ Commonwealth travels, they have worked with and supported young leaders on mobilizing youth engagement, and working towards a more unified future that spearheads progress, sustainability, optimism, and taking action. With that said, Mozambique, a member state of the Commonwealth, is currently enduring Cyclone Kenneth, the most destructive natural disaster the northern coast has ever experienced. On the heels of Cyclone Idai (where over 1000 people lost their lives) this cyclone will leave the people of Mozambique victim to catastrophic flooding, food insecurity, displacement, and obliteration of their homes and villages. If you’d like to help, please visit DEC.org.uk Photo credit: Chris Jackson & Samir Hussein

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

Karaliskās ģimenes pārstāvji ir apriprinājuši, ka Megana savus pienākumus pildīs attālināti no mājām, tomēr vēl nav zināms tuvākais pasākums, kuru hercogiene apmeklēs.

Izrādās, ka Britu karaliskajā ģimenē jaunie tēvi, var pieprasīt bērna kopšanas atvaļinājumu, kurš ilgst vidēji divas nedēļas. Šobrīd vēl nav zināms vai Harijs šo iespēju izmantos. Bekingemas pils preses pārstāvis  gan apstiprinājis, ka princis Harijs, tāpat kā savulaik viņa brālis Viljams, ar prieku izmantos bērna kopšanas atvaļinājumu, taču no prinča komentāri vēl nav sniegti.

Autors: Dieviete.lv



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