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piektdien, 14 marts, 2025

Jauna drāma starp Keitu Midltoni un Meganu Mārklu!


Saseksas hercogu pāris – princis Harijs un viņa sieva Megana Mārkla manāmi attālinās no karaliskās ģimenes! Nesen tika paziņots, ka pāris vairs nesadarbosies ar princi Viljamu un Keitu Midltoni Karaliskajā labdarības fondā. Harijs un Megana dibinās paši savu labdarības fondu. Ziņots, ka  karaliene Elizabete II atbalstījusi šo lēmumu. Tomēr pastāv jautājums, kādēļ pāri nav varējuši sastrādāties? 

Daudzi karaliskās ģimenes fani domā, ka princeses Diānas dēli Harijs un Viljams manāmi attālinājušies un pie tā vainojamas esot abu sievas Keita Midltone un Megana Mārkla, kuras neprotot rast kopīgu valodu. Izrādās, ka Megana Mārkla Karaliskajā labdarības fondā vēlējusies ņemt virsroku un pieņemt vienbalsīgus lēmumus, nepieļaujot nekādus kompromisus. Tas esot radījis domstarpības ar Keitu. Keita domājusi citādāk, viņa uzskatījusi, ka Meganai ir jāpakļaujas karaliskās ģimenes noteikumiem un visi labdarības projekti jāveic kopīgā darbā ar pārējiem, īpaši neizceļoties.

Karaliene Elizabete II, saprotot situāciju, paziņojusi, ka Meganai Mārkla un mazdēlam Harijam Karaliskais labdarības fonds būšot jāpamet! Tagad Saseskas hercogu pāris strādā pie sava labdarības fonda, kurā Meganai būs lielāka brīvība lēmumu pieņemšanā.

Kādas ir tavas domas? Varbūt šis patiesībā ir visai pozitīvs lēmums un divi labdarības fondi nesīs tikai paipildus labumu?


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TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are excited to announce that they have been asked to carry out a tour to Southern Africa this autumn. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office have requested a visit to South Africa ???????? as well as The Duke carrying out visits to Malawi ???????? and Angola ????????. His Royal Highness will also do a short working visit to Botswana ???????? en route to the other countries. The Duke and Duchess are really looking forward to meeting so many of you on the ground and continuing to raise awareness of the high impact work local communities are doing across the Commonwealth and beyond. This will be their first official tour as a family!

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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, along with The Queen and Members of the Royal Family, attended Royal Ascot — today they were joined by The King and Queen of the Netherlands. Royal Ascot is an annual event attended by The Queen, who has had an interest in horses since childhood, and Members of the Royal Family. The week has become Britain's most popular race meeting, welcoming around 300,000 visitors over five days. Ascot Racecourse was founded by Queen Anne in 1711, and has since received the patronage of a further eleven monarchs. The Ascot summer race meeting officially became a Royal week in 1911. The Queen is owner and breeder of many thoroughbred horses and shares her interest in horses with many members of her family — and The Queen's own horses have won races at Royal Ascot a number of times. ???? PA @theroyalfamily @koninklijkhuis #RoyalAscot

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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