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pirmdien, 21 oktobris, 2024

Princis Čārlzs atklāj, kura no vedeklām viņam patīk labāk!


Interesanti, ka Meganu Mārklu karaļnama apkalpojušais personāls nemaz nemīlot. Viņa tiekot uzskatīta par kaprīzu un visai prasīgu personu, tas pamatīgi apgrūtinot karaļnamā strādājošo darbu. 

Tomēr Meganai ir arī atbalstītāji, tie ir karaliskās ģimenes locekļi, piemēram, princis Čārlzs (prinču Harija un Viljama tēvs). Kādā intervijā žurnālistam Raselam Maiersam atzinies, ka Megana viņam pat ļoti simpatizē! Viņš uzskata, ka starp viņu un Meganu ir radusies īpaša saikne. Interesanti, ka Čārlzs Meganu mēdz saukt par  “the metal” (metāls), kā noprotat, tas ir viņas rakstura dēļ,” – raksta Maiers. Žurnālists uzsvēris, ka Saseksas hercogienei Meganai iedzīvoties karaliskajā ģimenē ar visai striktajiem noteikumiem nebūt nav vienkārši. Britu medji ir visai nežēlīgi un Meganas situāciju nebūt nav padarījuši vieglāku. Princis Čārlzs ļoti slavē Meganu, viņš uzskata, ka viņai lieliski izdevies brīnišķīgi tikt galā ar mediju un arī sabiedrības spiedienu.


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The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex travel along the Mall to Trooping the Colour, The Queen's Birthday Parade. Trooping the Colour has marked the official birthday of the British Sovereign for over 260 years. Regimental flags of the @BritishArmy were historically described as ‘Colours’ because they displayed the uniform Colours and insignia worn by the soldiers of different units. The name ‘Colour’ continues to be used to this day. The principal role of a regiment’s Colours was to provide a rallying point on the battlefield. This was important because, without modern communications, it was all too easy for troops to become disoriented and separated from their unit during conflict. If Troops were to know what their Regiment’s Colours looked like, it was necessary to display them regularly. The way in which this was done was for young officers to march in between the ranks of troops formed up in lines with the Colours held high. This is the origin of the word ‘trooping’. So, what today is a great tradition began life as a vital and practical parade designed to aid unit recognition before a battle commenced. ????PA @TheRoyalFamily #TroopingtheColour #HorseGuardsParade #QBP2019

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Happy Birthday to Her Majesty The Queen! The Queen celebrates two birthdays each year: her actual birthday on 21 April and her official birthday on (usually) the second Saturday in June. Official celebrations to mark the Sovereigns' birthday have often been held on a day other than the actual birthday, particularly when the actual birthday has not been in the summer. King Edward VII, for example, was born on 9 November, but his official birthday was marked throughout his reign in May or June when there was a greater likelihood of good weather for the Birthday Parade, also known as Trooping the Colour. ????PA @TheRoyalFamily #TroopingtheColour #BuckinghamPalace #QBP2019

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Kāda bijuši Kensingtonas pils darbiniece atklājusi, ka apkalpošanas personāls Meganu ir dēvējis “tubing lady” (cauruļu lēdija).

Čārlzs jūtas atbildīgs par Meganu, jo tieši viņš viņu veda pie altāra viņas un dēla, prinča Harija kāzu dienā. Čārlzs maksimāli cenšas atbalstīt Meganu, jo viņai ir visai sliktas attiecības ar savu tēvu. Jāpiebilst, ka Meganas tēvs nedrīkstēja ierasties meitas kāzās. Pie tā esot vainojama viņa veselība, bet visticamāk, ka pie vainas bijis tas, ka viņš sadarbojies ar žurnālistiem un pārdevis tiem informāciju par savu meitu.





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