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piektdien, 28 marts, 2025

Kāpēc Megana Mārkla nepiedalījās pasākumos Donalda Trampa vizītes laikā?


Pēc komentētāja Roberta Harmena vārdiem Megana neesot apmeklējusi nevienu no oficiālajiem pasākumiem, tai skaitā arī tos, kuros piedalījās Donalds Tramps, jo viņas maternitātes atvaļinājums vēl nebija oficiāli noslēdzies.

Tāpēc, lai neaizvainotu citu pasākumu organizatorus, Megana nedevās nekur. Hermens apgalvo, ka karaliskajās aprindās itin viss rada precedentu. Proti, ja hercogiene maternitātes atvaļinājuma vidū tiksies ar ASV prezidentu, tad līdzīgi būs jārīkojas vienmēr. Jau iepriekš ziņots, ka Megana 2016.gada ASV prezidenta vēlēšanu laikā paziņoja, ka pārcelsies uz Kanādu, ja Donalds Tramps tikšot ievēlēts. Tramps uz to atbildēja, ka Megana esot “nekrietna”.


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Today The Duke and Duchess of Sussex joined The Queen and members of The Royal Family at the annual Trooping the Colour, to celebrate Her Majesty’s official birthday. Trooping the Colour orginated from traditional preparations for battle and has commemorated the birthday of the sovereign for more than 250 years. In the 18th century, guards from the royal palaces regularly assembled to “troop" colours or flags down the rank, so they could be seen and recognised by the soldiers. In 1748, it was announced this parade would also mark the Sovereign’s official birthday. Trooping the Colour is performed by regiments of the British and Commonwealth armies for The Queen’s birthday parade, allowing them to pay a personal tribute to Her Majesty. Today over 1400 parading soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians came together on Horse Guards Parade in London in a great display of military precision, horsemanship and fanfare. The parade concludes with a 41-gun salute fired by The King’s Troop, following which The Queen leads members of The Royal Family back to the balcony of Buckingham Palace to watch the Royal Air Force flypast display. Photos credit: PA

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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