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piektdien, 20 decembris, 2024

Megana Mārkla un Harijs gatavi tiesāties ar britu presi!


Megana Mārkla un princis Harijs izvirzījuši pretenzijas par to, ka britu izdevums publicējis privātu Meganas vēstuli, vēstule bijusi adresēta viņas tēvam.

Megana Mārkla šo vēstuli bija adresējusi savam tēvam – Tomasam Mārklam, ar kuru viņai jau ilgstoši ir strīds, kas nekādi nevar atrisināties. Princis Harijs vērsies tiesā pret izdevēju “The Mail on Sunday”. Izdevums apgalvo, ka viņiem šo vēstuli nodevis pats Tomass, Harijs un Megana uzskata, ka tas ir autortiesību, datu aizsardzības un konfidencialitātes pārkāpums.

Vēstulē, kuru Megana adresēja tēvam, viņa rakstīja, lai tēvs pārstāj viņai “sekot” un pārstāj izmantot savu mērķu sasniegšanai medijus. Eksperti atgādinājuši, ka tad, kad šis skandāls auga augumā, pieci citi Meganas tuvi draugi piedalījās preses konferencē,  šajā konferencē tika sniegtas dažādas sensitīvas ziņas par Meganas dzīvi, piesaucot arī dažus fragmentus no šīs vēstules. Apgalvo, ka Megana pati savus draugus bija iepazīstinājusi ar šīs vēstules saturu. Speciālisti uzskata, ka draugi preses konferencē piedalījās ar Meganas Mārklas ziņu, ja Megana tiks izsaukta uz tiesu liecināt, viņai nāksies apzvērēt, ka šīs vēstules saturs nav bijis zināms nevienam citam kā tikai viņai un viņas tēvam.

Eksperti domā, ka šis iespējamais tiesas process Meganai nodarīs daudz vairāk ļaunuma, nekā labuma. Tiesas procesā tiktu cilāti vairāki fakti, kuri plašākam cilvēku lokam nemaz nav zināmi, ne par Meganu Mārklun ne par princi Hariju, šo faktu atklāšana plašākai publikai varētu apbēdināt Elizabeti II un apdraudēt karalisko ģimeni kopumā. Uz so tiesu var tikt izsaukts pats Meganas tēvs Tomass Mārkls, tiesas sēdē viņam būs tiesības tiesas zālē paust savu viedokli par visu notikušo, zināms, ka Tomass nekad nav saticis princi Hariju un savu mazdēlu Ārčiju, viņš visai sen redzējis savu meitu Meganu Mārklu. Iespējams, ka šis pavērsiens pamatīgi sadragās Meganas un viņas tēva attiecības, kuras jau tagad turās mata galā.

“Tiesas procesu ir viegli uzsākt, taču neviens nevar pareģot tā attīstību, kā arī, protams, kaitējumu, ko tas var nest pašai karaliskajai ģimenei,” – apgalvo karaliskās ģimenes eksperts Patriks Džefsons.

Princis Harijs uzskata, ka viņa un sievas Meganas lēmums ir saprātīgs, viņš britu izdevumu ielēma iesūdzēt tiesā laikā, kad ar ģimeni bija devies oficiālā vizītē uz Āfriku. Princis Harijs uzskata, ka šādu melu dēļ presē viņš savulaik zaudēja savu mammu, princesi Diānu, tāpēc tagad viņš ir nolēmis tam pielikt punktu un pasargāt savu sievu.


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has come to an end, but The Duke and Duchess have had the opportunity to look back on an incredible 10 days through South Africa, Botswana, Angola and Malawi. Thank you for following along! Their Royal Highness’s journey took them 15,000 miles across southern Africa where they we’re greeted by so many amazing people along the way. They witnessed the great partnership between the UK and Africa, met local community groups, leaders, and youth and elders, who all imparted knowledge and inspiration. On their final day of the tour, The Duchess said: “Please know that you have all given us so much inspiration, so much hope – and above all, you have given us joy.” • During their tour, The Duke and Duchess unveiled three new Queens Commonwealth Canopy projects, protecting forests and planting trees, and worked with the British Government to announce investment of £8m in technology and skills in the region. The Duke traveled to Angola to focus on the ongoing mission to rid the world of landmines, an extension of the work that was pioneered by his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales. The Duchess announced gender grants from the Association of Commonwealth Universities to improve access to higher education for women, as well as four scholarships for students studying across the commonwealth. Throughout this trip they were able to join an important and essential conversation about the rights of women and girls – not isolated to Southern Africa, but also globally. Throughout this visit, The Duke and Duchess were struck by the spirit and generosity from every community they visited. Speaking to young entrepreneurs in Tembisa, a township in Johannesburg, The Duke said: “As I raise my own son, I want to make sure that what I’ve learned here – the value of the natural world, the value of community and friendship – is something that I can pass on to him.” • Thank you to everyone who supported from afar, and those who have followed along the way! We hope you enjoy this wrap up video to the tune of a wonderful song by The Soweto Gospel Choir, a favourite of The Duke and Duchess. Video ©️ SussexRoyal

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In Tembisa, Johannesburg, today The Duke and Duchess visited to meet young entrepreneurs at the YES hub – a hive for creativity and social enterprise. Their visit was an amazing tour of the ingenuity and opportunity – seeing businesses that varied from food to essential sanitary products for local women. During their visit, they were able to sample food from ‘Chef Mish’ – a local masterchef winner – which he makes at the site as part of his catering business and cafe. They then joined YES community members to take part in training and tests that will help them gain skills and find work. On the third stop today, entrepreneur Moss showed The Duke and Duchess the organic produce he's growing in the township with aquaponics – supplying local restaurants. And finally, The Duke and Duchess met the women behind the amazing Blossom Care Solutions – who are making 80,000 sanitary pads every month for women in their community. They are 100% compostable, and provide an essential low-cost product for women and girls. The Duchess has long campaigned on this issue and wrote in Time magazine in 2017, saying: “In communities all over the globe, young girls’ potential is being squandered because we are too shy to talk about the most natural thing in the world. To that I say: we need to push the conversation, mobilize policy making surrounding menstrual health initiatives, support organizations who foster girls’ education from the ground up, and within our own homes, we need to rise above our puritanical bashfulness when it comes to talking about menstruation.” • See our previous post to see The Dukes speech #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica Photo ©️ PA images

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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