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sestdien, 27 jūlijs, 2024

Just Let It Go


Vakardienas notikumu iespaidā šorīt pamodos atkal ne savā ādā. Ieslēdzu mūziku un pirmā atskan dziesma, kurai agrāk nebiju pievērsusi vērību, bet šorīt tā piesaistīja manu uzmanību, jo vārdi tik precīzi attaino manas šībrīža izjūtas un dialogu ar sevi. He was the one for me He made me feel alright Now everything’s gone wrong We where so tight He ain’t the one So just move on It’s time that you let it go How can I now forget him He’s the only one How can I let him go When he means so much to me You think I’m blind You think it’s time I can’t get him off my mind He ain’t the one for you Girl it’s time him go I think you’re right He needs to go He is not the one for me When you’ve found the one that’s meant for you Then you’ll realise That it’s just a phase you’re going through Everybody has their bad times Don’t, don’t waste your time There’s a good thing waiting for you down the line Don’t, don’t waste your time As soon as you get over him your life will truly shine Just let it go There’s a good thing waiting for you Don’t you know Just let it go As soon as you get over him you’ll find the sweetest friend… Ienīstu, ka beidzot, kad esmu samierinājusies, vairs nedomāju par bijušo un cenšos dzīvot tālāk, viņam jāatgādina par sevi un man atkal jādomā… Viņiem ir kaut kāds radars, ka jūt, kad tiek aizmirsts un jāatgādina par sevi? (e)



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