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trešdien, 26 marts, 2025

Uzzini, kuras ir 10 pasaulē pelnošākās slavenības 2019.gadā


Pasaulē populārais finanšu izdevums “Forbes” ir aprēķinājis, kuras  slavenības 2019. gadā guvušas vislielākos ieņēmumus! Šajā rakstā uzzināsi TOP10 pelnošākās 2019.gada slavenības, vai vari uzminēt pirmās vietas ieguvēju?

Žurnāls “Forbes” ņem vērā ienākumus, kurus izklaides industrijas pārstāvji guvuši no 2018. gada 1. jūnija līdz 2019. gada 1. jūnijam, tiek vērtēti ienākumi, kuri gūti pirms nodokļu nomaksas. Šis tops tiek veidots katru gadu un kopumā tajā ir 100 izklaides industrijas pārstāvju, šogad, lai iekļūtu TOP100 bjis nepieciešams nopelnīt vismaz 37,5 miljonus 12 mēnešu laikā!

Par pelnošāko slavenību kļuvusi mūziķe un popdīva Teilore Svifta. 29 gadus jaunā dziedātāja 2 mēnešu laikā nopelnījusi veselus 185 miljonus ASV dolārus! Lielāko daļu šo ienākumu viņa  guvusi no savas ikoniskās “Reputation” koncertturnejas, kura esot ienesīgākā turneja ASV vēsturē.

Godpilno otro vietu ieņem veiksmīgā uzņēmuma Kylie Cosmetics dibinātāja un realitātes šova “Keeping Up With Kardashians” zvaigzne Kailija Dženere (22), kura nopelnījusi 170 miljonus dolāru. Savukārt trešajā vietā ierindojies reperis Kanje Vests (42)  jeb Ye, kurš nopelnījis 150 miljonus dolāru un tam ne mazs nopelns ir tieši viņa “Yeezy” apavu impērija, šie apavi īsā laikā ir kļuvuši par lielu modes kliedzienu.

Šie ir 10 pelnošākie pārstāvji no “Forbes” TOP100

1. Teilore Swifta 

2. Kailija Dženere

3. Kanje Vests

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About last night ???? #kanyewest

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4. Lionels Mesi


5. Eds Šīrans

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Thinkin of u @brunomars

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6. Krištianu Ronaldu

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Lovely night ????????????

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7. Neimars

8. Eagles

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Our legendary guitar solo of the day is the solo performed in "HOTEL CALIFORNIA" by the legendary guitarist Mr. DON FELDER. "Hotel California" is the title track from the Eagles' album of the same name and was released as a single in February 1977. Writing credits for the song are shared by Don Felder (music), Don Henley, and Glenn Frey (lyrics). The Eagles' original recording of the song features Henley singing the lead vocals and concludes with an extended section of electric guitar interplay between Felder and Joe Walsh. The song is considered the most famous recording by the band, and its long guitar coda has been voted the best guitar solo of all time. The song was awarded the Grammy Award for Record of the Year in 1978. "Hotel California" reached the number one position on the Billboard Hot 100. The melody of the song was composed by Don Felder in a rented house on Malibu Beach. He recorded the basic tracks with a Rhythm Ace drum machine and added a 12 string guitar on a four-track recording deck in his spare bedroom, then mixed in a bassline, and gave Don Henley and Glenn Frey each a copy of the recording. The demo he made for "Hotel California" showed influences from Latin and reggae music, and it grabbed the attention of Henley who said he liked the song that "sounds like a Mexican reggae or Bolero". The song is initially in the key of B-minor. The presence of E major gives a hint of B Dorian. The chords are played as follows: Bm–F♯–A–E–G–D–Em–F♯. The final section features a guitar battle between Joe Walsh (who had replaced Bernie Leadon) and Felder, which took the two of them sitting together working for around three days to achieve the necessary precision. ????❤ #donfelder #hotelcalifornia #theeagles #joewalsh #donhenley #glennfrey #timothybschmit #greatsong #greatguitarist #greatmusician #guitarist #guitarsdaily #guitarporn #guitarspotter #guitargod #beautifulsong #guitarlive #rocklegend #rockguitarist #rockgod #gibsonguitars #gibsonlespaul #rockguitar #lespaulstandard #fenderguitars #fenderstratocaster #leadguitarist #guitarsofinstagram #acousticguitars #guitarsolo Follow : @hovig_guitar_????????????

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9. Doktors Fils

10. Sauls Kanelo Alvaress

Autors: Dieviete.lv



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