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ceturtdien, 19 decembris, 2024

Uzzini, cik pieticīgi dzīvo Anglijas karaliene Elizabete II


Anglijas karalienes Elizabetes II privātā šuvēja Andžela Kellija laidusi klajā savu grāmatu “The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe”. Grāmatā Andžela atklāj detaļas par monarhes dzīvi!

Andžela Kellija 25 gadu garumā regulāri viesojusies pie karalienes Elizabetes II, viņa karalienei darinājusi izejamos tērpus. Nesen Andžela presei atklājusi, ka britu monarhi dzīvojot visai pieticīgi. Jāpiebilst, ka šo pieticību ir visai grūti iztēloties, jo Bekingemas pils izmēri ir iespaidīgi, tajā ir 775 telpas! Elizabete II apdzīvo tikai dažas pils telpas viņas apartamentos ietilpst – guļamistaba, privātā viesistaba, ģērbtuve, vannas istaba, guļamistaba, viesu pieņemšanas istaba un uzgaidāmā telpa pirms pieņemšanas telpas. 

Andžela komentējusi, ka karalienes privātās telpas esot visai skopi mēbelētas un nekas neliecinot par neapdomīgu vai kaprīzu izšķērdību. Karalienes privātajos apartamentos drīkstot atrasties tikai viņas vīrs princis Filips un karalienes ģimene, Elizabetes II galvenā prioritāte esot privātums un drošība, pat apkalpojošais personāls bez karalienes ziņas nedrīkstot apmeklēt viņas privātos apartamentus. 


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????The Queen, accompanied by The Countess of Wessex, held a reception at Buckingham Palace celebrating the work of The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust, as the charitable foundation prepares to close in 2020. Commonwealth Heads of Government decided to create a Trust in 2012 to mark and celebrate Her Majesty’s sixty-year contribution to the Commonwealth. The Trust’s work has since focused on helping to prevent avoidable blindness and to empower a new generation of young leaders. Its mission is to leave a lasting legacy owned by the whole Commonwealth, in honour of Her Majesty. The Trust has helped more than 22 million people in Africa and the Pacific receive vital antibiotics to combat trachoma – the world’s leading infectious cause of blindness and provided sight-saving surgery to over 104,000 people suffering with trachoma trichiasis. Each year from 2014 to 2018, 60 exceptional young people were selected to receive a @queensyoungleaders Award and become ‘Queen’s Young Leaders’ – one for every year that The Queen had served as Head of the Commonwealth at the time of her Diamond Jubilee. Progress made in the areas of preventable blindness and youth leadership will ensure that The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust has a lasting legacy. © PA / Royal Family

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‘Today we celebrate the history of this Abbey and its Church and mark it’s continuing significance as a place of worship and of memorial, standing firmly for faith at the heart of our nation and Commonwealth and of the wider world’ Today at Westminster Abbey, the Dean of Westminster led a service to mark 750 years since the church was consecrated. The site went on to become the great Gothic abbey we know today, and has been the setting for every Coronation since 1066 and for numerous other Royal occasions, including sixteen Royal weddings. ???? 1/ The Queen on her Coronation Day in 1953. Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019 ???? 2/ King George VI’s Coronation in 1937. Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019 ???? 3/ Queen Victoria’s Coronation in 1838. Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019 ???? 4/ Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s wedding in 1947. © Press Association ???? 5/ The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding in 2011. © Press Association

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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