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piektdien, 14 marts, 2025

Megana Mārkla un Harijs pārkāpuši karalisko protokolu!


Megana Mārkla un princis Harijs nesen ir paziņojuši par savu kārtējo dīvaino lēmumu. Pāris ir pārkāpis karaliskās ģimenes protokolu, kas nav nekāds brīnums, jo šādas situācijas nav retums.

Megana un Harijs pārsteiguši savus fanus ar Saseksas hercogu Instagram konta izmaiņām. Tagad neviens vairs nevar apskatīt  fotogrāfijas vai video ierakstus, kuros Meganu Mārklu vai princi Hariju ir atzīmējuši citi cilvēki… Saseksas hercogu fani ir nonākuši pie secinājuma, ka Meganai un Harijam nav patikušas kādas fotogrāfijas, kurās atzīmēts karaliskais pāris.

Vairākiem karaliskās ģimenes pāriem ir savi Instagram profili, bet neviens no karaliskās ģimenes līdz šim nebija atļāvies šādi rīkoties. Piemēram, Keitas Midltones un prinča Viljama, kā arī pašas Lielbritānijas karalienes Elizabetes II sociālie konti nav noņēmuši opciju, ka fani vai kādas citas personas nedrīkstētu viņus ietagot bildēs un video. Šī nav pirmā reize, kad princis Harijs un Megana Mārkla sociālajos tīklos uzstāda paši savus principus. 2019. gada sākumā pāris pārtrauca sadarbību ar kopējo britu karaliskās ģimenes Instagram profilu, tagad Kensingtonas hercogiem pieder sākotnējais profils, bet Saseksas hercogi izveidoja savu. Viņi to pamatoja ar to, ka tas esot nepieciešams labdarības dēļ.

“Katru mēnesi mēs rādīsim un stāstīsim par tiem labdarības projektiem, kuros esam piedalījušies un tādā veidā cilvēkiem būs iespēja atbalstīt to, ko darām. Šādā veidā cilvēki varēs arī piešķirt lielu nozīmi labdarībai,” – tā profila izveidi paskaidroja Megana.

Vairāki Saseksas hercogu sekotāji ir nepatīkami pārsteigti, ka Megana un Harijs vēlas, lai redzami tikai sevis veidotajās publikācijās. “Dīvaini, ka citus viss apmierina, bet viņi ir bijuši tie, kas nolēmuši slēpt kaut kādas atsevišķas publikācijas”, “Tā ir tāda dīvaina vēlme “nodrošināties” nākotnei?”, “Negaidīts lēmums. Atkal Megana un Harijs dara kaut ko pa savam, sajūta, ka grib vinnēt konkursā “mēs atšķiramies no pārējiem”!”.

Vai tu saproti šādu rīcību, nereti taču tiekam ietagoti fotogrāfijās, kuras mums neglaimo?


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Today we look back to Christmas 2018, and The Duchess of Sussex's visit to Brinsworth House, a residential and nursing care home in Twickenham, owned and run by the Royal Variety Charity. Each year, the UK’s much beloved Royal Variety performance is held in aid of the Royal Variety Charity of which Her Majesty The Queen is Patron. Funds raised from the show and throughout the year, help entertainers from around the UK who need support and assistance as a result of old age, ill-health, or hard times. At Brinsworth House, The Duchess joined residents singing carols and making Christmas decorations, as she unveiled a traditional 'Royal plaque' which is proudly displayed on the entrance hall wall, not far from one marking the 1976 visit of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. Last Christmas, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended their first joint Royal Variety performance at the iconic London Palladium. Since HRH’s visit, the Royal Variety Charity has completely refurbished Brinsworth House’s kitchen and dining room, enabling residents to feel even more at home, in their new home. #RoyalVarietyPerformance @royalvarietyperformance Photo © PA

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As we continue to reflect on some of the organisations supported by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, today we wanted to share more about @TheMayhew, an animal welfare charity which The Duchess became Patron of earlier this year. Mayhew believes in the power of community and the special bond between humans and animals, which is why their programming does not simply focus on rescuing animals but rather takes a more holistic approach to shaping the lives of pets and humans, alike. Their TheraPaws dogs and volunteers now visit not just care homes and hospitals, but also mental health facilities and youth groups – expanding the benefits of animal assisted therapy into much needed areas. They also work with the homeless community assisting with treatments and check ups for their pets so that the most vulnerable can trust that their pet will remain by their side. This year, Mayhew has continued its specialized work overseas, vaccinating more than 30,000 dogs against rabies and other diseases, and empowering locals to improve animal welfare humanely and sustainably. The Duchess is also proud that they are creating opportunities for women, with the female led vet team in Kabul neutering 2,500 dogs so far this year. As a long-time rescue dog owner, The Duchess of Sussex is proud to be Mayhew’s Patron and applauds them for the vital work that they do every day. Please visit @TheMayhew to learn more, as Mayhew continue their very important contribution to the community for all of us and the pets we hold dear. Photo © PA / Ivan Flores / Tamara Yoxall

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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