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svētdien, 22 decembris, 2024

Karaliene Elizabete II pozitīvi pārsteigusi visu pasauli!


Lielbritānijas karaliene Elizabete II nesen nolēmusi atteikties no apģērba, kurā izmantota dabīgā kažokāda. Tā vietā Elizabete II sākusi valkāt mākslīgos izstrādājumus, šis Lielbritānijas karalienes lēmums ir izraisījis ļoti pozitīvu sabiedrības reakciju.

Lielbritānijas karaliene visai bieži uz dažādiem pasākumiem vilka dabīgās kažokādas, šī iemesla dēļ karalieni Elizabeti II bieži kritizēja dzīvnieku tiesību aizstāvji. Karalienes Elizabetes II garderobe ir ļoti pārdomāta, karaliene ir ļoti strikta sava apģērba izvēlē. Karaliskās ģimenes galvenā modelētāja Andžela Kellija izdevusi grāmatu par darbu monarhu ģimenē. Grāmatā Andžela uzrakstījusi, ka turpmāk karaliene ir nolēmusi atteikties no dabīgās kažokādas apģērba, jo nevēlas cilvēkos raisīt nepatīkamas emocijas.. Elizabete II lauzusi gadsimtiem ilgu tradīciju, karaliene saprot, ka pasaule attīstās un, ka arī viņai jāseko šīm pārmaiņām.

Interesanti, ka Lielbritānija no dzīvnieku audzēšanas kažokādām atteicās jau gandrīz pirms 20 gadiem!


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Today, The Queen visited the Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI) village to celebrate the charity’s centenary year. The charity supports Armed Forces personnel and veterans, and their families, as well as people who have been long-term unemployed. During the visit in Kent Her Majesty opened the new Appleton Lodge care facility and visited the Centenary Village housing project. The lodge provides care for residents as well as local people in the area. She also met RBLI Village’s eldest resident, 99-year old WWII veteran John Riggs, and his family. Finally, The Queen visited the RBLI Centenary Village, to see the completed first phase of the development, which includes specially-adapted apartments for wounded former military personnel. And she buried a time capsule which included a personal message congratulating the charity on their Centenary. For more on today visit our website via the link in our bio! ???? Press Association / Royal Communications

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Her Majesty The Queen has opened a new session of Parliament this morning. This is the 65th occasion on which Her Majesty has opened Parliament – every year of her reign except 1959 and 1963 (whilst pregnant). In ???? 2, The Queen, accompanied by The Duke of Edinburgh, is pictured in 1958, the first time in history the State Opening was televised. The State Opening unites the three elements of legislature – the House of Lords, the House of Commons and The Queen – together as the Crown in Parliament. Today The Queen travelled to The Palace of Westminster in the Horse-drawn Diamond Jubilee State Coach and the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment provided a Sovereign’s Escort. Her Majesty is dressed in “Royal Robes” and is seated at the Throne, accompanied by The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall. The Queen officially opened Parliament by addressing the House of Commons and House of Lords, in The Queen's Speech. The Speech is not drafted by The Queen, but by the Government, outlining policies and proposed future legislation. #QueensSpeech #StateOpening @household_cavalry @clarencehouse ???? PA Images

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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