2.8 C
svētdien, 22 decembris, 2024

Nigēriešu meitene tiek nodēvēta par “skaistāko meiteni pasaulē”


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J A R E @the_j3_sisters CHILDREN ARE A GIFT FROM HEAVEN. I’m pretty excited and elated about my new style of child portraiture . Before I thought of Photographing the @the_j3_sisters , I have had frivolous ideas of how I can make artsy portraits of kids And do away from the norm . The opportunity came and I had to take a bold step to express my ideas of how I want to take portraits of kids. I want to portray the interception between her childhood and adulthood so both stay timeless ! We continue to the next post TEAM Make up by Dammy of @iposhlooks Creative style direction @mofebamuyiwa Hair by @totalshopwigs Hair styled by @hairkarved Styled by @styledbyseun Assisted by @adebimpe_aj @ernest_chuxx @official_bigjosh #bmbstudio #bmbphotography #mofebamuyiwa #kids #kidsphotography #artsy #love #light #childphotographer #familyphotography

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Fotogēniska, piecus gadus jauna meitene no Nigērijas ir nodēvēta par jauno “skaistāko meiteni pasaulē” pēc tam, kad viņas portreti izplatījās internetā un izpelnījās uzslavas un atzinību.

Oficiālās Jare Ijalana fotogrāfijas tika publicētas fotogrāfa Mofe Bamuyiwa Instagram un Twitter kontos. “O, jā, viņa ir cilvēks! Viņa ir arī eņģelis!” fotogrāfe pierakstīja pie viena no portretiem.

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Oh yes she’s human ! She’s also an angel ! “J A R E “ I want to portray the interception between her childhood and adulthood so both stay timeless ! I could have made her smile and make her laugh out loud but I put her in their natural moments for us to see through their eyes ! Posing them as adults ! Was my trick to create it a timeless portrait ! J A R E , when you clock 21 remember to do same pose and style TEAM Muse : @the_j3_sisters Make up by Dammy of @iposhlooks Creative style direction @mofebamuyiwa Hair by @totalshopwigs Hair styled by @hairkarved Styled by @styledbyseun Assisted by @adebimpe_aj @ernest_chuxx @official_bigjosh #bmbstudio #bmbphotography #mofebamuyiwa #kids #kidsphotography #artsy #love #light #childphotographer #familyphotography

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Caururbjošs skatiens, skaista sejas uzbūve un mati – pateicoties šīm īpašībām meitene ir nodēvēta par “lelli”, “īstenu mākslas darbu” un “īstenu skaistuli”. Trīs meitenes portreti ir izpelnījušies gandrīz 50 tūkstošus “patīk” atzīmes un tūkstošus komentāru Instagram.

Tendence “skaistākā meitene pasaulē” aizsākās 2010.gadā, kad pasaules atzinību saņēma francūzietes Thylane Blondeau (tagad 17 gadi) portrets. 


Autors: Dieviete.lv




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