6.8 C
pirmdien, 6 maijs, 2024

Šī grima māksliniece paceļ optisko ilūziju jaunā līmenī! Satriecoši!


Ja tev vajag pierādījumus tam, ka grims ir mākslas veids, tad ieskaties grima mākslinieces Mimi Choi Instagram kontā.

Viņas radītais grims ir kaut kas vēl neredzēts. Viena šāda mākslas darba radīšana var aizņemt pat piecas stundas! Interesantākais ir tas, ka šo visu viņa zīmē ar produktiem, kas ir pieejami daudzu sieviešu kosmētikas maciņā. Novērtē!

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Wow 61K+ likes on this look so far! ???? Thanks for the overwhelming amount of support and love everyone! ❤ For those who is wondering if this was Photoshopped — No, this was done with just #makeup, please see the video in the last post. ???? Unfortunately, I do not do video tutorials because most of the time I don't actually know what I'm trying to achieve or if it's even going to be successful at all. ???? I really enjoy creating spontaneously so planning tutorials would not give me the same kind of satisfaction. I hope that my strange creatives can inspire people to think out of the box and create a style and trend that is unique to themselves. ????

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Been doing makeup in front of this mirror inside of my bathroom for more than 3 years now (10+ years if you count those university years when I did my own clubbing makeup, etc) No fancy lights, backdrop or even a chair — I've always enjoyed standing in that little gap between my sink and my toilet and painting away for hours. I like tight spaces, it makes me feel secure. Sometimes I have music on, sometimes my cat sits in the sink and falls asleep while watching me… It's therapeutic. I'll be moving to a new place soon which means that I will have to adapt to a new painting environment. It's both scary and exciting at the same time because I've grown so attached to my old makeup spot. But I'll adapt and maybe it will finally motivate me to invest in better equipments. ⭐️ _________________________ "INCEPTION" #makeup illusion inspired by a photoshopped image of Paul Ryan. Used @nyxcosmetics @nyxcosmetics_canada pencil and liquid eyeliners plus matte eyeshadows for this look. Lashes are all @houseoflashes "Knockout" falsies except for the littlest ones that I had to paint on. All hand-painted, took 3 hours.

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