9.5 C
svētdien, 23 marts, 2025

Vai Saseksas hercogiene Megana rīkojas vieglprātīgi? (+FOTO)


Šobrīd viena no britu apspriestākajām personām noteikti ir prinča Harija laulātā draudzene Saseksas hercogiene Megana. Megana modes kritiķiem vairākkārt ir apliecinājusi ne tikai savu oriģinālo un nedaudz nešpetno gaumi, bet arī to, ka esot karaļnama ģimenes locekle, viņa spēj pārkāpt tik ierasto etiķeti.

Megana šonedēļ Londonā viesojusies vairākos oficiālos pasākumos, gandrīz pēc katras vizītes viņas apģērbs tiek apspriests medijos. Ne mazums reižu Megana pieķerta nevelkot zeķubikses, tā ir obligāta karaļnama prasība!  Elizabete II savas ģimenes sievietēm ir piekodinājusi, ka ierodoties publiskos pasākumos un atsedzot kājas ir jāvelk zeķes vai zeķubikses!

Megana ir viena no retajām karaļnamā, kura karalienes prasības mēdz regulāri neievērot. Britu mediji novērojuši, ka šonedēļ temperatūra Londonā pa dienu pakāpusies pāris grādu virs nulles un sprieduši, ka Megana nevelkot zeķubikses ir rīkojusies ļoti vieglprātīgi, jo tomēr tādejādi apdraud savu veselību. Atgādinām, ka Megana ir sestajā grūtniecības mēnesī.

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Today The Duchess of Sussex made her first visit to @TheMayhew since becoming Patron – Mayhew is a grassroots charity working in a unique way to improve the lives of animals and people to better communities both in London and internationally. Mayhew looks for innovative ways to reduce the number of animals in need through pro-active community and educational initiatives and preventative veterinary care. Among the people she met was Wully, a formerly homeless pet refuge service user, and his two dogs Azzy and Gallis – The Duchess found out about the different ways Mayhew’s animal welfare officers have supported Wully and his pets over the past 11 years. Her Royal Highness also met Roobarb the dog, who is part of Mayhew’s dog therapy programme TheraPaws, which puts smiles on the faces of vulnerable individuals. The Duchess met volunteers who dedicate their time to Mayhew community programmes, including the trap, neuter and return programme, which controls and cares for the feral cat communities in London. And Her Royal Highness was also able to meet the team behind Mayhew’s international work, which includes an overseas vet training programme in countries like India and Afghanistan to help improve animal welfare.

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The Duchess of Sussex visits @smartworkscharity, after this morning’s announcement Her Royal Highness will be its Patron. The charity helps long term unemployed and vulnerable women regain the skills, confidence and tools to succeed at job interviews, return to employment and transform their lives. After dropping into a roundtable discussion with volunteers and clients, The Duchess met some of the women who have been successful in their interviews after being coached at @smartworkscharity. Many of these women have come from prison, job centres, care homes and homeless shelters – where they have been unsuccessful in over 20 applications. Several women shared their stories with The Duchess today and told HRH how the charity has given the self-belief to improve their lives.????PA

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At the @NationalTheatre The Duchess of Sussex meets Blessing, aged 13, who performed in the NT’s first Public Arts production of Pericles in 2018. Blessing is passionate about inspiring others through storytelling — her first NT Public Acts experience allowed her to ‘discover more about what she could do and gain more confidence’. The National Theatre’s Public Arts initiative sees them work with arts and community organisations across the UK to create ambitious new works of participatory theatre. At the NT The Duchess also met current and former apprentices from its apprenticeship and trainee programme, and saw a fantastic performance inspired by War Horse by schoolchildren from Edith Neville Primary School in Camden, which was created to mark the centenary of Armistice Day. As part of their work with Primary Schools, the @NationalTheatre invited primary schools to see their productions of War Horse, and in partnership with @imperialwarmuseums take part in a creative programme to enrich children’s understanding of the First World War.

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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