2.2 C
svētdien, 22 decembris, 2024

Karaliene Elizabetes II nevēlas dzirdēt Meganas Mārklas vārdu!


Karalienes Elizabetes II viesiem pirms tikšanās tiek nodota pavisam stingra instruktāža. Kamēr Elizabete atpūtās savā Skotijas rezidencē Balmoralā, viņu apciemoja vairāki viesi uz šo rezidenci dodas gan privātās personas, gan dažādi valsts ierēdņi.

Žurnālists Kventīns Letts pavēstijis, ka karalienei ir kādas jaunas prasības, viņa izteikusi pirms viesu ierašanās. Kventīns apgalvo, ka Elizabete II ir aizliegusi savā klātbūtnē pieminēt Meganu Mārklu un viņas vīru, pašas karalienes mazdēlu princi Hariju. Karaliene vēlas koncetrēties uz jautājumiem, kuri nav saistīti ar viņas ģimeni. Šis aizliegums gan nav iekļauts oficiālajā protokolā,  bet tiek ieteikts visiem viesiem, kas dodas pie karalienes Elizabetes II. Izrādās, ka viesi visai bieži vēlas runāt par karaliskās ģimenes jaunumiem un intrigām, taču karalienei šādi temati nepatīk. Interesanti, ka tieši Megana un Harijs ir vienīgie karaliskās ģimenes locekļi, kuri nedevās uz Skotiju, bet prinča Harija vecākā brāļa, prinča Viljama ģimene apciemojusi karalieni Elizabeti II un viņas vīru, princi Filipu. Ģimene lidojusi uz Skotiju ar visparastāko pasažieru lidmašīnu!


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Today The Duchess of Sussex, alongside @smartworkscharity launched #thesmartset capsule collection. The five piece collection of workwear essentials will help equip Smart Works clients with the classic pieces they need to attend interviews and enter into the workplace. “I am excited to celebrate the launch of another initiative of women supporting women, and communities working together for the greater good” – The Duchess of Sussex. @smartworkscharity helps long-term unemployed women regain the confidence they need to return to employment, by providing high quality clothes for interviews, one-to-one interview training and professional and personal development, through the Smart Works Network. In fact, with the charity’s support, 64% of clients to on to get a job! The Duchess became Patron of Smart Works in January this year. During several visits to the charity, Her Royal Highness noticed that donations to Smart Works were plentiful but were not always the right choices or sizes. As a result, The Duchess initiated the Smart Set, Smart Works Capsule Collection. The Duchess of Sussex and @smartworkscharity have convened four British fashion and retail brands who have created #thesmartset Capsule Collection to equip women with classic wardrobe pieces to help them feel confidence as they return to the workplace. For every item purchased, one will be donated to Smart Works. Scroll ⬅️ to see behind the scenes photographs of The Duchess surprising Smart Works clients during a capsule collection photo shoot @jennyzarins, photos from today’s launch and The Duchess’s previous visits to @smartworkscharity.

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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