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ceturtdien, 19 decembris, 2024

Megana Mārkla atteikusies no dārgām rotaslietām!


Saseksas hercogiene Megana Mārkla un viņās vīŗs princis Harijs ir devušies uz Āfriku, lai atbalstītu Āfrikas iedzīvotājus, kuri saskārušies ar nabadzību. Tā vien šķiet, ka Megana ņēmusi piemēru sava vīra brāļa sievas, Keitas Midltones! Megana Mārkla ļoti gatavojusies šim ceļojumam, viņa parūpējusies arī par to, lai rotaslietas un apģērbs, kuru viņa izvēlas nebūtu dārgs un pārāk uzmanību piesaistošs. 

Megana un Harijs jau vairākus mēnešus plānojuši savu ierašanos Āfrikā un šis ir nozīmīgs notikums viņu ģimenē. Šis ir pirmais ceļojums, kurā viņi dodas ar savu atvasi Ārčiju! Ārčijs ir pirmais karaliskajā ģimenē, kurš tik agrā vecumā dodas ārpus Lielibritānijas. Ģimenes pirmā vizīte notikusi Keiptaunā. Šeit viņi apmeklēja arī graustu rajonu.

Megana Mārkla ierodoties bija izvēlējusies zilas krāsas kleitu no zīmola “Veronica Beard”, kuru jau reiz bija vilkusi, izejot publikā. Megana šo kleitu papildinājusi ar kurpēm uz platformas papēža. Kad karaliskais pāris apmeklēja arī graustu rajonu, Megana bija atteikusies no dārgām rotaslietām! Megana bija izvēlējusies vien smalku zelta ķēdīti un pavisam nelielus auskarus, kā arī viņas pirkstā bija vien laulības gredzens, interesanti, ka saderināšanās gredzenu, ko rotā vairāki dārgi briljanti, Megana nebija uzvilkusi.


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The second half of Day one for #SussexRoyalTour brought Their Royal Highnesses to The District Six Museum and the Homecoming Centre who are re-building their local community in Cape Town. The Duke and Duchess had a first hand look and understanding of how much of this diverse community was destroyed, with people subjected to forced relocation during the apartheid era. At the Homecoming centre The Duke and Duchess were treated to food cooked by local women that showcased the wonderful variety of recipes – and the importance of cooking to bring communities together – a topic The Duchess feels strongly about (just like Together, the cookbook from the women of The Hubb Community Kitchen which The Duchess supported this time last year). • Their Royal Highnesses have had an amazing first day in South Africa and are incredibly grateful for the wonderful welcome they have received. Thank You! Stay tuned for more updates and behind the scenes moments on tour! #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica • Photo ©️ SussexRoyal / Omid Scobie / PA images

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Day two of #SussexRoyalTour is underway, and The Duke and Duchess have joined young South Africans and @WavesForChange to focus on mental health and take part in ‘surf therapy’. • Hundreds of young people from Cape Town’s townships meet every week at Monwabisi beach to surf, but also share stories with mentors and talk through the daily challenges they face. Their Royal Highnesses were able to hear how the sessions are building trust, confidence, and belonging, and they also got to join in as children took part in ‘power hand’, which teaches them how to keep calm down reflect on strengths. While on the beach The Duke and Duchess met @TheLunchBoxFund – which was one of the charities they nominated to benefit from donations following the birth of their son, Archie. Almost 30,000 meals are provided by the charity every day across South Africa, including for three @WavesForChange projects. And before they left The Duke and Duchess joined the Commonwealth Litter Programme (CLiP) – which was teaching the surfers about the impact of plastic waste on the ocean. #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica • Photo ©️ photos EMPICS / PA images / SussexRoyal

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Autors: Dieviete.lv



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