Kādas sejas maskas izvēlas Holivudas slavenības? (+VIDEO) Mode Dieviete.lv 26/08/2020 13:13 81 Nav nekāds noslēpums, ka Keita Midltone nesen iedvesmoja britu sievietes nēsāt puķainas sejas maskas, bet kādas sejas maksas izvēlas Holivudas slavenības? Video Foto View this post on Instagram I understand masks are inconvenient and uncomfortable. But don’t you feel that it’s worse that businesses are shutting down… jobs are being lost… health care workers are hitting absolute exhaustion. And so many lives have been taken by this virus because we aren’t doing enough. ⠀ ⠀ I really do believe in the basic goodness of people so I know we can all do this 🥰 BUT still, there are many people in our country refusing to take the necessary steps to flatten the curve, and keep each other safe. People seem worried about their “rights being taken away” by being asked to wear a mask. This simple and effective recommendation is being politicized at the expense of peoples’ lives. And it really shouldn’t be a debate 🙏🏼 ⠀ ⠀ If you care about human life, please… just #wearadamnmask 😷 and encourage those around you to do the same ❤️ A post shared by Jennifer Aniston (@jenniferaniston) on Jun 30, 2020 at 2:18pm PDT View this post on Instagram #wearadamnmask to help spread the word not the virus! 🦠 your turn! @kimkardashian @khloekardashian @krisjenner @addisonraee @allierizzo @rosalia.vt @harryhudson @jenatkinhair #wearadamnmask and post a selfie 😷 I also invite anyone who wants to help encourage others to do the same and #wearadamnmask Thank you @simonhuck and @aliceandolivia for nominating me. 💛 A post shared by Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) on Jul 2, 2020 at 11:36am PDT View this post on Instagram 🌧 A post shared by Ariana Grande (@arianagrande) on Aug 24, 2020 at 3:29pm PDT View this post on Instagram #wearadamnmask ❤️👍🏽 A post shared by 🔮Vanessa Hudgens🔮 (@vanessahudgens) on Jul 8, 2020 at 11:18am PDT View this post on Instagram stay safe A post shared by DUA LIPA (@dualipa) on Jul 19, 2020 at 7:51am PDT Tagsfeaturedmodevideo TAVS KOMENTĀRS Neatbildēt Komentārs: Please enter your comment! Vārds: Please enter your name here Saglabāt manu vārdu šajā pārlūkprogrammā, lai nākamreiz komentētu. The reCAPTCHA verification period has expired. Please reload the page. Δ Iepriekšējais rakstsMegana Mārkla palīdzējusi nabadzīgām amerikāņu ģimenēm! (+VIDEO)Nākamais rakstsHoroskopa zīmes, kuras septembrī piedzīvos pārmaiņas mīlas dzīvē! LIDZĪGI RAKSTI Kima Kardašjana mirdz uz sarkanā paklāja ar princeses Diānas mīļāko rotu! (+VIDEO) Ķeizars Karls: Kā vācu puika kļuva par pasaulē slavenāko dizaineru Izlaidumu laiks klāt: Kā iegādāties perfektu svētku tērpu? Modes zīmols “Dior” izvēlējies latviešu šūpuļtīklu darinājumu!