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pirmdien, 13 janvāris, 2025

„Spalvu uzacis”: Jaunums skaistuma pasaulē. Māksla vai bezgaumība?


Cik mēs zinām, uzacu māksla un mode vienmēr aprobežojās ar krāsošanu, formu mainīšanu un varbūt kādu interesantu akcentu izmantošanu. Taču izskatās, ka šīs ilgu laiku eksistējošās robežas ir pārkāptas!

Instagram šī tendence izplatījās vētras ātrumā! Daudzi cilvēki steidz izmēģināt jauno uzacu ieveidošanas veidu, bet tikpat daudzi to visu sauc par muļķībām un bezgaumību. Vai tu uzdrošinātos kaut ko tādu izmēģināt?

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note to self: when u make a joke about starting a funny brow trend people will take it seriously and…. well. start the trend anyways THANK YOU for all the love and hate on my last pic! i think we should call this #featherbrows so if you actually want to recreate this, pls use the hashtag and tag me in the picture???? skin: @maccosmetics strobe cream, face&body foundation c1, pro longwear concealer in NC15, fix+ highlight: @maccosmetics Double Gleam brows: glue stick + @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade in Dark Brown eyeshadows: @maccosmetics Texture & Coppering lashes: @ardell_lashes Wispies lips: @lipsicosmetics Leros + clear lip gloss

A post shared by Stella Sironen (@stella.s.makeup) on

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ok so obviously this has gotten out of hand and it's hilarious and amazing but i wanted to clarify some stuff: 1. i joked about starting a trend in the caption of my first pic not about the actual makeup 2. drag queens have used glue on their brows since forever so please don't credit me for that lol 3. i know that brows are a sacred part of the face but consider this: there is lip art and eye art and tons of different forms of creative makeup, why is experimenting with brows so strange? shoutout to @popsugarbeauty, @huffpostwomen and @dailymail for making the best articles about this, go read them! and i can't thank you guys enough for your support, this feels unreal❤️ peacock feather brow: @cameleonfinland body paints, @katvondbeauty tattoo liner in Trooper, @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade in Dark Brown, glue stick skin: @maccosmetics next to nothing Light Plus, pro longwear concealer in NC15 lower lid: @makeupstore Romantic Garden & Emerald eye pencils liner: @toofaced chocolate bar palette (Triple Fudge) lashes: @grimassuomi 325

A post shared by Stella Sironen (@stella.s.makeup) on




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