3.4 C
svētdien, 22 decembris, 2024

Šai mazulītei ir tikai 1.5 gadiņi, bet viņai jau ir 60 tūkstoši sekotāju


Šai mazajai supermodelītei ir tāda garderobe, par kuru mirt būtu gatava katra sieviete, turklāt vēl apskaužams modeles portfolio un vairāk nekā 60 tūkstoši tiešsaistes sekotāju Instagramā. Un viņa vēl nemaz nav divi gadi! Avaija Hjgo iekaroja interneta lietotājus ar savu mīlīgo smaidiņu un lielajām, zilajām acīm..

Puostra gada vecumā viņa kļuva par īstu interneta zvaigzni, neskatoties uz to, ka pat nemāk runāt. Un viss pateicoties viņas uzņēmīgajai mammai Kārlijai Eštonei. 22 gadus vecā meitene savāca savai meitiņai bezmaksas lietiņas par aptuveni 15 tūkstoš dolāru lielu summu – pēc tam, kad sāka Avaijas fotogrāfijas izlikt internetā jau kopš meitenītei palika 3 mēneši.

Tagad mamma katru dienu saņem jaunus tērpus meitiņai un fotogrāfē viņu tajos, savācot līdz pat 3500 “patīk”. Mazulīte jau ir bijusi Kardašjan apģērbu tīkla bērnu apģērbu modele.

Mazulītei kopā ir 500 bezmaksas dizaineru komplektu, kā arī 50 knupīši, pudelītes un pamperu paku no dažādām firmām.

***UNDER STRICT EMBARGO ñ NO WEB USE BEFORE 15:00 OCTOBER 07 2015 BST/GMT*** Collect of Avaya Hugo with mum Carly Aston in Sept 2014 the youngster has 60,000 followers on Instagram. See SWNS story SWSNAP;  Britainís youngest fashion icon gets a new outfit for free every day because sheís got 60,000 followers on Instagram ñ aged 18 MONTHS. Little Avaya Hugo is a massive web star despite not being able to talk ñ thanks to canny mum Carly Aston. Carly, 22, has managed to rake in £10,000 worth of freebies for her bouncing baby girl after uploading scores of pictures to the mega-popular image website ñ and now hopes her six-week-old daughter Aliza can do the same. The full-time mum, who lives with partner Daniel Hugo, 22, in Gorton, Manchester, regularly gets 3,500 likes on each snap of her little babies ñ and every day receives new dresses in the post.

***UNDER STRICT EMBARGO ñ NO WEB USE BEFORE 15:00 OCTOBER 07 2015 BST/GMT*** Collect of Avaya Hugo in July 2015 the youngster has 60,000 followers on Instagram.  See SWNS story SWSNAP; Britainís youngest fashion icon gets a new outfit for free every day because sheís got 60,000 followers on Instagram ñ aged 18 MONTHS. Little Avaya Hugo is a massive web star despite not being able to talk ñ thanks to canny mum Carly Aston. Carly, 22, has managed to rake in £10,000 worth of freebies for her bouncing baby girl after uploading scores of pictures to the mega-popular image website ñ and now hopes her six-week-old daughter Aliza can do the same. The full-time mum, who lives with partner Daniel Hugo, 22, in Gorton, Manchester, regularly gets 3,500 likes on each snap of her little babies ñ and every day receives new dresses in the post.

“Tas ir pārsteidzoši – Avaijai pusotra gada vecumā garderobē ir vairāk mantu nekā lielākajai daļai sieviešu visas dzīves laikā! – saka mamma.  – Daži saka, ka tas nav pareizi – ievietot tik daudz mana bērna fotogrāfijas, bet es viņiem nepievēršu nekādu uzmanību. Avaija ir laimīgs bērns un viņai vienkārši patīk pozēt kameras priekšā. Nav pārsteigums, ka viņai ir tik daudz sekotāju – viņa cilvēkiem nes prieku.”


Kārlija cer, ka arī Avaijas 6 mēnešus vecā māsiņa – Elīza – sekos māsas pēdās.


***UNDER STRICT EMBARGO ñ NO WEB USE BEFORE 15:00 OCTOBER 07 2015 BST/GMT*** Collect of Avaya Hugo in June 2015 with mum Carly Aston the youngster has 60,000 followers on Instagram. See SWNS story SWSNAP; Britainís youngest fashion icon gets a new outfit for free every day because sheís got 60,000 followers on Instagram ñ aged 18 MONTHS. Little Avaya Hugo is a massive web star despite not being able to talk ñ thanks to canny mum Carly Aston. Carly, 22, has managed to rake in £10,000 worth of freebies for her bouncing baby girl after uploading scores of pictures to the mega-popular image website ñ and now hopes her six-week-old daughter Aliza can do the same. The full-time mum, who lives with partner Daniel Hugo, 22, in Gorton, Manchester, regularly gets 3,500 likes on each snap of her little babies ñ and every day receives new dresses in the post.



avots: soulpost.ru



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